Department of the Environment, Prince George’s County, MD – Indefinite Delivery Contract – Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Construction Management

Over the past 20 years, SHELADIA has successfully provided engineering services on a number of multi-year, multi-disciplinary Indefinite Delivery Contracts for Prince George’s County. The contracts have covered a range of engineering and environmental services for various highways, bridge, and housing/urban areas storm drainage improvement projects. SHELADIA is providing Third Party Review for various Civil engineering projects under this indefinite delivery contract as well.
Projects include
1801 McCormick Drive Parking Lot Improvement and Green Roof, Largo, Maryland – SHELADIA was contracted perform Feasibility Studies for the retrofit of 7.8 acres of office complex located at 1801 McCormick Drive, Largo, Maryland with bio-retention facilities and green roof using innovative technologies to identify the best strategies that can be developed for the site. The project is deemed as a demonstration project that will improve the County’s capacity to implement LID and GI approaches in urban landscapes at residential and non-residential properties.
73rd Avenue Stormwater Management Retrofit Project – SHELADIA is currently the prime contractor on this multi-year Capital Improvement Project located at the Lower Beaver Dam Creek Watershed, which flows into the Anacostia River. This Stormwater Management Retrofit Project is part of the Prince George’s County plan to provide retrofitting to untreated impervious land. The SHELADIA team is implementing innovative methods to help develop a process that mimics the natural hydrology runoff characteristics of the Beaver Dam Creek Watershed.
Camelot Urban SWM Restoration Project – The purpose of this NPDES/MS4 permit project is to perform urban stormwater restorations as part of DOE’s Urban Stormwater Management Restoration Program. This program focuses on improving the quality of stormwater runoff (including rain or melted snow) throughout Prince George’s County. This project used the innovative technology of high & low media that reduces the footprints & BMP facility to provide more water quality with low foot prints. SHELADIA provided the peer-review services for this project.
- Topographic Survey and Field Data Collection
- Study, Investigation and Concept Development
- Hydrology and Hydraulic Study
- Storm Drain design and SWM management
- Erosion & Sediment Control
- Plans, Specifications and Engineering Estimate
- Agency Coordination
- Permitting and Approval
- Utility Designation
- Coordination and Approval
- Comprehensive stormwater planning Engineering design for SWM
- Construction management for new and existing facilities related to water resources, SWM, flood control, restoration of streams and waterways
- Rehabilitation of degraded or inadequate drainage systems
- Wetland creation
- Urban runoff control using the latest environmental sensitive design techniques
- Revitalization of greenways
- Landscape architecture
- Streetscapes & open spaces
- Woodland conservation