Water and Waste Water
DC Water Combined Heat and Power Plant (CHP) Project

The Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant (AWTP) serves approximately 725 square miles of DC, Maryland and Virginia with a capacity of 370 million gallons per day. The 153 acre plant is the largest advanced wastewater treatment facility in the world. In 2012, DC Water established plans to build a new Combined Heat & Power (CHP) Plant project at the Blue Plains AWTP site. The proposed $80 million CHP Plant includes three new buildings, a concrete pad as well as a parking and maintenance yard, and will produce at least 14 MW of electric power to supply the Blue Plains facility with nearly 30 percent of the AWTP’s average power demand.
For the project, SHELADIA provided civil and structural engineering services, permitting and construction management services. SHELADIA assisted Black and Veatch with civil design services consisting of storm water management, site grading, road design, drainage design, curb layout, erosion and sediment control, permitting, utilities coordination and parking area configuration for the Facility. The SHELADIA team is also supporting construction management activities by being fully involved in resolution of construction issues as they arise on site. Our engineers are in constant coordination with DC Water, contractors, inspectors, and fabricators to ensure timely completion of project milestones.
Additional Water and Waste Water & Energy Projects
Project Name
District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority, Division D JBAB Overflow & Diversion Structures
DC Water
The construction of a new diversion chamber and overflow structure on the Potomac Outfall Sewer.
Services Provided
- Design phase project management
- Quality assurance of work
- Delivery of project documents
- Design for maintenance of traffic
- Obtained permit applications and necessary revisions to obtain permits.