East Coast Demerara Road Widening and Improvement Project
Project Name
East Coast Demerara Road Widening and Improvement Project
Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Guyana
China Exim Bank
Project Cost
US$ 50.2 million

The project’s objective was to widen the 16.7 km National highway from 2 to 4 lanes on the East Coast Demerara as part of the improvements of the National Highway Program of Guyana’s Ministry of Public Infrastructure. The project also included rehabilitating existing bridges and constructing new bridges along the road. The China Exim Bank funded the project. Sheladia Associates was appointed as a construction supervision consultant for the project that follows the FIDIC contract modality.
- Site inspection and Right of Way verification
- Reviewed existing design documents for possible constructability improvements and ensured environmental safeguards were duly incorporated
- Supervised construction and maintenance activities based on FIDIC conditions of the contract
- Reviewed Contractor’s work program and method statements
- Reviewed and evaluated working drawings, construction plans, and staging details
- Quality control of materials, inspection and assessment of Contractor’s facilities, equipment, labor and materials
- Work measurement and Contractor payment certification
- Reviewed and implement monitoring of environmental and social impact management plans
- Contract administration, claims management, and assistance with dispute resolution.
Reconstruction of Lokitaung Junction – Kalobeiyei River Road (A1) (80km)
Project Name
Reconstruction of Lokitaung Junction – Kalobeiyei River Road (A1) (80km)
Kenya National Highway Authority, Kenya
World Bank
Project Cost

The Government of the Republic of Kenya (GoK) has received a credit from the World Bank for the Eastern Africa Regional Transport, Trade and Development Facilitation Project (EARTTDF). It is using the fund for the reconstruction of the Lokitaung Junction [JN Al/C579] – Kalobeiyei River Road (Al) (80 km). This roadway section is part of the larger Juba-Eldoret corridor that supports interregional trade with the economies of Ethiopia, Uganda, and South Sudan. It provides a cost-effective connection to the nearest seaport of Mombasa in Kenya. It is the main gateway for humanitarian aid and trade from Kenya into South Sudan.
SHELADIA was responsible for the design review, project construction supervision, training and capacity building of the Kenya National Highway Authority’s staff in FIDIC contract management.
- Design review
- Construction supervision
- Quality control
- Contract management
- Designed and supervised construction of non-motorized traffic facilities
Detailed Feasibility Study on Multiple Candidate Road Corridors (MCC-funded) in Malawi
Project Name
Detailed Feasibility Study on Multiple Candidate Road Corridors (MCC-funded) in Malawi
Millennium Challenge Corporation
Project Cost
US$ 1.46 million

The Government of Malawi (GoM) and the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) developed a second MCC Compact in Malawi. The second Compact is an ambitious program of technical assistance, investment, and finance to unlock the potential of the developed transport infrastructure by linking it to the heart of rural production and integrating the entire transport sector to support the Government of Malawi (GoM)’s effort to foster inclusive economic growth.
This detailed Feasibility Study defined which corridors should be included in the investment program based on multi-criteria analysis which included social, environmental, financial and economic criteria. SHELADIA then prepared the preliminary design and cost estimates as well as the Resettlement Policy Framework, Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment and M&E Framework.
- Preliminary reconnaissance of candidate corridors (main corridor, tertiary and link roads): corridor delimitation, desk study of candidate roads, general reconnaissance.
- Field Data collection, road roughness survey, topographic survey, traffic studies, prepared inventory of drainage structures, utilities and roadside furniture, social impact and beneficiary information
- Preliminary Design of the main road, tertiary and link roads
- Cost Estimate, construction schedule, bill of quantities and cost estimate, maintenance costs, high-level agricultural and private sector assessment
- Economic Assessment and prioritization: Cost-Benefit analysis (both motorized and non-motorized traffic), prioritization of corridors
- Overall cost estimate, economic analysis, strategic environmental and social assessment, resettlement policy framework, revised construction schedule, maintenance cost for all roads, revised economic assessments of all roads, preparation of preliminary M&E framework, overall social impact and beneficiary assessment.
Koshe-Mito-Werabe Design and Build Road Project
Project Name
Koshe-Mito-Werabe Design and Build Road Project
Ethiopian Road Authority, Ethiopia
The Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Project Cost

The project road is in the southern part of Ethiopia in the Southern Nations and Nationalities People Regions (SNNPR) within Gurage and Silte Zonal administrations. The total length of the road is 72.91 km and traverses through flat to rolling terrain except for a few sections of mountainous terrain. The project involves constructing the road using Asphalt Concrete surfacing following ERA’s 2013 Geometric Design Standards. SHELADIA was appointed as the construction supervision consultant, SHELADIA reviews and approves the project’s surveys, design, and materials and supervises the construction.
- Review the completeness and adequacy of all survey and engineering design work
- Ensure the road is constructed per the Employer’s requirements and associated technical specifications
- Optimize the use of available material resources to minimize costs to the client, maximize the quality of work
Architecture and-Engineering Services for A-29 Beddown Air Force Base in Nigeria
Project Name
Architecture and-Engineering Services for A-29 Beddown Air Force Base in Nigeria
Tetra Tech, Inc.
United States Army Corps of Engineers – Europe District
Project Cost

SHELADIA is providing local engineering support services during the construction of an air force base for the U.S Army Corps of Engineers. Support services are provided in the critical facilities phase and the operations and securities phase in Kainji, Nigeria. Provided services include: the review of contract plans and specifications; Quality Assurance Inspections and progress reports; identification of design deficiencies; inspections of installed equipment and systems; attending technical meetings and providing technical review of modifications.
- Review contract plans and specifications
- Inspect all construction work, document deficiencies, and provide recommendations in the QA report.
- Perform inspections of technical systems to identify design deficiencies and document findings and observations in the QA report.
- Participate in the startup, testing and commissioning process to ensure all systems are properly commissioned for operation.
- Assist the Government during On-the-Job (OTJ) training of furnished systems to ensure that the training covers all required aspects
- Attend technical meetings and assist the Project Engineer in interpreting and understanding construction requirements.
Transport Infrastructure Investment Sector Project (TIISP)- Rehabilitation of Queens Road, Lami to Yako in Fiji
Project Name
Transport Infrastructure Investment Sector Project (TIISP)- Rehabilitation of Queens Road, Lami to Yako in Fiji
Fiji Road Authority
Asian Development Bank
Project Cost
US$ 26 million

The overall project is a combination of the transport infrastructure investment sector project funded by ADB and the WB. The project aims to improve access to socioeconomic opportunities by supporting the government to upgrade and rehabilitate land and maritime transport infrastructure. The project finances civil works to repair, rehabilitate, reconstruct, or upgrade existing roads, bridges, rural jetties and wharves. As a part of this project, Fiji Road Authority has appointed Sheladia Associates, Inc. to supervise and manage the rehabilitation of 38 km sections of Queens Road between Lami and Yako.
- Construction Supervision of two civil works contracts
- Undertake supplementary geotechnical investigations and surveys to optimize designs, particularly pavement design and vertical alignment to ensure design improvements in the technical due diligence and safety improvements recommended by iRAP have been incorporated
- Environmental, Gender and Social Safeguards Compliance management. Ad hoc engineering support, defects identification and defects rectification closeout
Rehabilitation and upgrading of 339.9 km of Group–B Roads at Rajnandgaon in Chhattisgarh
Project Name
Rehabilitation and upgrading of 339.9 km of Group–B Roads at Rajnandgaon in Chhattisgarh
Public Works Department, Government of Chhattisgarh, India
Asian Development Bank
Project Cost

The Government of India has obtained financial assistance from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) towards the cost of the proposed Chhattisgarh Road Connectivity Project. The project is improving road connectivity in the state of Chhattisgarh by rehabilitating and upgrading state highways and major district roads (MDRs) of 339.9 km. The project also supports the executing agency, the Chhattisgarh Public Works Departments (PWD), in road maintenance, road safety and innovations.
SHELADIA has been appointed as the construction supervision consultancy of 10 EPC contract packages comprising Group B. The Supervision Consultancy Services include construction supervision, contract administration, environmental, safeguard and resettlement issues. Furthermore, SHELADIA is supporting the implementing agency in project and contract management-related matters.
- Contract administration and management of the civil works based on FIDIC.
- Review designs, drawings, BOQ provisions and specifications to actual site conditions and suggest modifications, if required.
- Supervise the contractor’s work concerning safety and quality of the work, including environmental aspects and labor welfare
- Support the PWD in matters relating to land acquisition and resettlement, including updating the Resettlement Plan, monitoring the implementation of the resettlement plan and providing expert advice in relation to acquisition and resettlement
- Review the IEE report and update the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMOP)
- Inspect the works on completion of the milestone prior to acceptance by the employer
Independent Engineer for Mehsana – Himatnagar Four Lanning on DBFOMT Annuity Contract under GSHP-II in Northeast Gujarat, India
Project Name
Independent Engineer for Mehsana – Himatnagar Four Lanning on DBFOMT Annuity Contract under GSHP-II in Northeast Gujarat, India
Public Works Department, Government of Gujarat, India
World Bank
Project Cost
US$ 175 million

This World Bank funded project improved connectivity between these two cities by upgrading the highway to four lanes, further enhancing the flow of traffic. The length of the road was 60.75 kms and included one bridge which was 296 meters long and 9 m wide, with 12 spans.
SHELADIA was appointed as Independent Consultant (IC) to carry out the technical obligations of the Concessionaire for the design, build, finance, maintain, operate and transfer mode project (DBFMOT) on the existing State Highway 55, Mehsana – Himatnagar section.
- Construction supervision
- Contract administration
- Reviewed, inspected, and superintendence the Construction Works, including an environmental management plan, resettlement action and social safeguard plan, traffic management program, and work zone safety plan
- Ensured the Contractor’s compliance with the safety of the construction crew and the road users
Rehabilitation and Upgradation of 80.6 Km Section of Jharpokharia – Baripada – Baleshwar Highway in Odisha
Project Name
Rehabilitation and Upgradation of 80.6 Km Section of Jharpokharia – Baripada – Baleshwar Highway in Odisha
National Highway Authority, India
Government of India
Project Cost
US$ 132.6 million

The project covers the expansion of the current 80.6 km two-lane highway to 4 lanes to accommodate the traffic. The project also includes five major bridges with the length of 77m, 98.7m, 98.7m, 200.40m and 286m, and 30 minor bridges on the crossing of the irrigation canal and one Rail Over Bridge (ROB), 5 Flyovers, 4 Underpasses, and 121 Box Culverts. As a construction management supervision consultant, SHELADIA reviewed the contractor’s work program and quality control plan to follow the contract during construction and maintenance.
- Construction supervision
- Review and approve the Drawings furnished by the Contractor along with supporting data, geotechnical and hydrological investigations
- Review the Quality Assurance Plan submitted by the Contractor
- Inspection of the work during the maintenance
- Ensured the contractors complied with the safety of the construction crew and the road users
SASEC Port Access Elevated Highway Project in Sri Lanka
Project Name
SASEC Port Access Elevated Highway Project in Sri Lanka
Road Development Agency, Sri Lanka
Asian Development Bank
Project Cost
US$ 360.2 million

The Port Access Elevated Highway (PAEH) Project is one of ADB’s SASEC projects. The project is constructing a 4-lane (30.3m road width) elevated highway with a length of approximately 5.3 km to help alleviate traffic congestion within the densely populated Colombo city and to improve overall transport efficiency by directly linking the central area of Colombo and the Colombo Port with the national Expressway Network through the New Kelani Bridge. This critical link would allow better efficiency in the movement of goods, services and people from Colombo city center and the Colombo Port to other parts of the island country. In addition, the project also includes construction supervision services for the Maritime Facilitation Center Building for Sri Lanka Ports Authority.
SHELADIA was appointed as the construction supervision engineer for contract administration to review designs and supervise the work program and quality assurance of the work performed by the contractor using FIDIC conditions of contract.
- Project administration and discharging of the duties of the Engineer based on FIDIC Yellow Book Terms and Conditions of the Contract
- Review, monitor and approve mobilization and utilization of Contractor’s resources
- Review and approve all designs submitted by the Contractor
- Establish and implement a quality assurance/ quality control framework
- Construction management and supervision of physical works, including during the Defects Liability Period, verifying, and certifying the Contractor’s payment applications
- Assist the Employer in resolving any claim or dispute as a result of the civil works contract
- Monitor implementation of social safeguards and Environmental Management Plan per RDA’s requirements and ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement;
- Review the Road Safety Plan and monitor the road safety measures adopted by the Contractor
- Project performance monitoring and evaluation;
- Conduct on-the-job training for the Employer’s staff
Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of 100 km of Sapary to Surhkroad section of Kabul to Jalalabad Highway Project, in Afghanistan
Project Name
Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of 100 km of Sapary to Surhkroad section of Kabul to Jalalabad Highway Project, in Afghanistan
Ministry of Public Works, Afghanistan
Asian Development Bank
Project Cost
US$ 120 million

The Ministry of Public Works (MPW) was implementing several highway projects funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) that involved designing, rehabilitating, and reconstructing priority sections of the nation’s transport network. This consultancy service was for construction supervision of the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the 100 km section of Kabul to Jalalabad Highway from Sapary to Surhkroad.
SHELADIA’s services included project management, reporting to the EA and ADB, and coordinating with local communities and other stakeholders in the project area. We reviewed and approved the Detailed Engineering Design (DED); advised the EA on all contractual issues, certified the Works, and processed variations and changes to the Works and the Contractor’s Contract. SHELADIA oversaw the settlement of disputes and arbitration or litigation, as required, monitored, inspected, and certified the temporary and permanent works ensuring they are constructed following the Contract’s provisions. We assisted the EA in implementing the approved Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan (LARP), designed and implemented a Project Performance Management System (PPMS), coordinated the development of the Project Security Plan and supervised its implementation and also assessed and designed the Community Outreach Program and oversaw its implementation
- Reviewed and approved the Detailed Engineering Design (DED)
- Advised the EA on all matters concerning the implementation of the Contract, including the progress of the civil works, certification of the Works, variations to the Works, the settlement of disputes and arbitration or litigation, if required
- Monitor, inspect, and certify the temporary and permanent Works, including the Contractor’s approved Quality Assurance Plan, Health and Safety Plan, Environmental Management Plan (EMP), and Method Statements
- Assessed and designed the Community Outreach Program and supervised implementation by the Contractor
- Assisted the EA in the implementation of the approved Project Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan (LARP)
- Designed and implemented a Project Performance Management System (PPMS)
- Coordinated the development of the Project Security Plan and supervised its implementation
- settlement Plan (LARP)
Program Management Consultant for Multi-tranche Financing Facility, Second Road Network Development Investment Program
Project Name
Program Management Consultant for Multi-tranche Financing Facility, Second Road Network Development Investment Program
State Agency of Azerbaijan Automobile Roads, Azerbaijan
Asian Development Bank
Project Cost

The Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan received $955.00 million in financial assistance for the Road Network Development Program under a Multi-tranche Financing Facility (MFF2) from ADB and $ 700 million from European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
SHELADIA Associates Inc. was engaged as Program Management Consultants (PMC) to assist management of the Program and to build the State Road Agency’s (AAY) capacity through training PIUs. The PMC helped AAY to submit project and program management reports to MOF, ADB and EBRD. It assisted AAY with overall program management. Furthermore, SHELADIA supported the government in (i) preparation of bidding documents, procurement process of Goods, Works, and Services, (ii) financial management, (iii) environmental and social safeguard compliances and gender dimensions, (iv) program management, (v) feasibility studies, technical review/due diligence, and preparation of safeguard documents.
- Program Management
- Financial Management
- Prepared Feasibility Study Report and Bidding Documents for the Installation of a Toll Collecting System and Associated Works
- Reviewed detailed designs, cost estimates, Safeguard documents, facilitation of approval of designs-drawings, technical specifications, BOQ, cost estimates and Safeguard documents
- Road Sector studies, including preparation of TOR for road safety audit
- Prepared bidding documents for tolling system implementation of design and build basis along M3 – 130 Km Alat Astara motorway
- Prepared Terms of Reference (TORs) and bidding documents for design and supervision consultant, external monitoring consultants and financial auditors
- Conducted assessments to ensure compliance with ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement, resettlement and environment frameworks, Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) and Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plans (LARPs)
- Prepared initial environmental examination (IEE) report incorporating environmental monitoring and management plans
- Assisted client with the implementation of LARP and submission of LARP implementation reports
- Reviewed Gender Action plan (GAP), monitoring the implementation and assisting the client in submitting reports as required under the agreement.
- Capacity Building of the PIU staff through on-the-job training, and other specialized training on sustainable project management, procurement, financial management and safeguards
- Successfully organized bidding process, including technical and financial evaluations, contract negotiations, and contract award of eight civil works contracts, two Design consultants, three Supervision consultants and an External Monitoring Consultant
Kabul – Jalalabad Highway Project
Project Name
Kabul – Jalalabad Highway Project, Afghanistan
Ministry of Public Works, Afghanistan
Asian Development Bank
Project Cost
US$ 110 million

Decades of war have crippled the road network throughout Afghanistan, restricting the free flow of people and goods, and hampering peace building and reconstruction efforts. Since 2001, SHELADIA has been working in Afghanistan to improve the transportation sector throughout the country, completing over nearly 30 projects to reconstruct and rehabilitate some of the essential infrastructure needed for economic growth and recovery.
Working with the Ministry of Public Works, SHELADIA is the primary consultant on the Asian Development Bank-financed Kabul – Jalalabad Highway Project, tasked with reviewing the design, providing supervision of construction works and overall project management support to MPW. We are also responsible for implementing the environmental monitoring plan, assisting in the land acquisition and resettlement efforts, as well as the community outreach program. This important highway section in Afghanistan aims to transform one of the worlds most dangerous roads into a crucial economic corridor, traversing some of the most difficult terrain in Central Asia.
- Project Management
- Stakeholder/community coordination
- Detailed Engineering Design (DED) review and approval (including all drawings, specifications, and supporting calculations and documentation for the Project submitted by the Contractor)
- Contract administration support and implementation advice including
- Progress of the civil works and issues arising,
- Certification of Works
- Variations to the Works and the Contractors contract
- Dispute resolution
- Monitoring, inspecting, and certifying the temporary and permanent Works ensuring construction compliance with the provisions of the Contract (Contractor s approved Quality Assurance Plan, Health and Safety Plan, Environmental Management Pl an (EMP), and Method Statements
- Updating, and the Project Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan (LARP))
- Design and implementation of Project Performance Management System (PPMS)
- Development and implementation of Project Security Plan (the Security Plan)
- Assessment and supervision of Community Outreach Program
Kisumu Town Bypasses and Town Roads Project
Project Name
Kisumu Town Bypasses and Town Roads Project
Kenya National Highway Authority
The World Bank
Project Cost
US$ 60 million

In 2002, the new, democratically elected Government of Kenya was faced with mounting economic issues after two decades of slowed growth and high unemployment. With a renewed commitment to national prosperity, transportation infrastructure was targeted as both a primary obstacle to and investment objective for catalyzing productivity and economic growth in the country.
A major component of the Government’s transportation plan to promote growth through regional integration and trade was improvement of the roads along Kenya’s Northern Corridor. Under the $207 million, World Bank-funded Northern Corridor Transport Improvement project, SHELADIA assisted the Ministry of Transportation by providing consulting services for Design Review and Supervision for the upgrading, reconstruction, and strengthening of a 141-km 2-lane road segment between Mau Summit and Kisumu City. The successfully completed segment now provides the people of Kenya with a more efficient and reliable foundation to support the nation’s promising social and economic future.
- Full review of technical recommendation and detailed design
- Traffic Surveys and traffic loading estimate
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Preparation of a detailed environmental mitigation plan
- Preparation of bidding documents
- Quality assurance/ Quality control
- Contract administration
- Administration of HIV Aids awareness/alleviation program
- Implementation of environmental impact mitigation measures
- On-the-job training
Technical Infrastructural Support to the Ministry of Public Works (MPW) in Liberia
Project Name
Technical Infrastructural Support to the Infrastructure Implementation Unit (IIU) of the Ministry of Public Works (MPW), Liberia
Ministry of Public Works
The World Bank
Project Cost
US$ 2.5 million

By the time the Liberian civil war ended in 2003, the nation was in shambles. To address the country’s most pressing needs, the Government of Liberia, with financing from the World Bank, prepared the Emergency Infrastructure Project (EIP) and the Liberia Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project (LIRP). The overall objectives of the EIP and LIRP were to help revive the economy by restoring transport infrastructure and to strengthen the institutional capacity of local transport agencies to facilitate improved farm to market access, increase the movement of goods and access to services, and to produce local employment opportunities.
To support both projects, a special implementation unit (SIU) was created under the Ministry of Public Works (MPW) for which SHELADIA was retained to assist with program implementation and design oversight, project management, and institutional strengthening and capacity building. Between 2008 and 2011 SHELADIA contributed to significant improvements in MPW’s capacity to effectively and efficiently manage local infrastructure operations and maintenance, particularly in the transport sector.
- Program management assistance
- Implementation oversight
- Procurement management assistance
- Quality control
- Review of inception reports, feasibility study reports, detailed designs (survey reports, drawings, and analyses) and design reports, specifications, and bid documents
- Site visits
- Review of physical and financial progress of projects
- Claims and dispute resolution support
- MPW structure and reporting systems design
- On-the-job training and technology transfer
- Supervision of road sector planning and programming