Facilities and Vertical Structures
Other Sectors
Designing facilities for improved operations and public service provision

Safe, sustainable structures are critical elements to improved social and economic welfare. Our team of architects and structural engineers has over forty years of extensive experience in planning, designing, providing feasibility studies, and managing the construction of both public and private facilities around the world.
Among our areas of expertise, the SHELADIA team is highly skilled in designing and managing the construction of health facilities including hospitals, laboratories health centers and health clinics. We are proud to have worked on over 400 clinics in Egypt, Pakistan and Afghanistan, a major regional hospital in Uganda, and a new 300 bed hospital in India.
Our dedication to health and wellness extends beyond health centers. Whatever the project, our team always strives to incorporate innovative, green designs, and prioritizes the use of local materials and construction technologies while minimizing operations and maintenance costs in order to facilitate environmental and economic sustainability and community ownership.
Noteworthy projects include the design and construction supervision of three World Bank country offices Laos PDR, Afghanistan, and the Republic of Congo. The new office headquarters in Laos achieved the Green Mark Platinum Certification for the building’s use of green technologies and local building materials.
Architectural Design
Structural Engineering
Water Supply and Sanitation
Construction Management
Bid Documents & Procurement Assistance
Contract Management
Green Design/LEED Construction
Materials Management
Interior Design
Civil Engineering
Tendering/Tender Documentation
Construction Supervision
Tender Documents
Quality Control/Assurance
Environmental Management